
Temenos Product Performance

Supports any size of financial organisation from the smallest to the largest thanks to its ability to scale appropriately in the cloud or on-premise.

Product Performance

Being cloud native and cloud agnostic, our system leverages on-demand elastic cloud scalability enabling banks to process higher volumes of transactions with less infrastructure. This linear, vertical and horizontal scalability allows optimum efficiency for on-premise deployment as well.

Financial Inclusion - Kuala Lumpur Tower

Highly Scable Performance

Demonstrated ability to elastically scale up and down based on demand, ensuring banks only pay for the resources they use and benefit from up to 10x lower infrastructure costs.

Metaco offers financial institutions the key to blockchain

Regular Benchmarking

Temenos regularly undertakes a variety of benchmarks, The most prominent is the high water benchmark (HWBM) to ensure the software leverages the latest technologies such a cloud-native autoscaling features. Others include performing benchmarks in payments on Microsoft azure and Google GCP on the cloud.

Lower TCO

Auto-scaling allows banks to only pay for the active workload rather than always paying for the maximum potential workload through dynamic deployment of containers.

Financial - businesswoman

Modern Architecture

Achieved with Temenos’ cloud-native Temenos Transact, Temenos Infinity, Data Event Streaming and microservices architecture.

Cloud native

Temenos architecture leverages cloud-native technologies such as AWS Lambda functions, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Kinesis data streams.

Latest News

Corporate Banking Modernization: Why Now?

Corporate banking is one of the biggest growth areas within most financial institutions and with the corporate loan market now standing at over US$ 5trn and with the global trade finance market at US$ 9trn it provides a healthy proportion of the Financial Institutions (FI’s) balance sheet.

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