
Temenos Environmental Responsibility

Temenos is celebrating World Environment Day 2021

Kalliopi Chioti
Kalliopi Chioti – Chief Environmental, Social and Governance Officer

World Environment Day 2021 – Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.

While celebrating the #WorldEnvironmentDay, let’s remember that we all have the power to make a difference, every day, any day. This World Environment Day will kick off the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), a global mission to go from exploiting nature to healing it. COVID-19 has highlighted how disastrous the consequences of ecosystem loss can be. Only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change and stop the collapse of biodiversity.

At Temenos, we are visionary Changemakers, working to innovate with purpose and shape the future of banking and at the same time protect the environment towards our vision of an inclusive and sustainable world. While making banking possible for 1.2 billion people worldwide, we are equally committed to working together with our people, clients, local communities and all our stakeholders on our roadmap towards a sustainable and net zero world.

Operating Responsibly

At Temenos, we recognize the importance of understanding and taking action on our material environmental impacts, risks and opportunities. We support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges on our own initiative and an environmentally responsible way of conducting our business. The Temenos environmental roadmap is structured around four areas: Environmental Policy and Management System, Climate Change Strategy, Environmental Monitoring and Reporting and Environmental Awareness.

We are committed to measuring, monitoring and reporting on our global environmental footprint, while implementing mitigation, reduction and improvement initiatives, by continuously identifying opportunities to increase our energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. In addition, we are committed to raising environmental awareness of our employees through training opportunities and voluntary environmental initiatives around the world, encouraging our employees to contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. Our latest voluntary activities include the Temenos Green Initiative, a series of targeted annual environmental events in India, lake cleanings in Chennai, annual Eco-action volunteering in Miami and upcycling contexts in Bucharest.

Lake Cleaning

In August 2019, our Temenos India employees in Chennai volunteered to clean Porur lake. In October 2019, they returned to the lake, not only to clean it but also to plant trees, contributing to the protection of the lake flora and fauna.

Miami beach clean-up

Miami Beach Cleanup Activity

For the International Coastal Cleanup 2020 Day, our Temenos Miami employees joined Miami Water Keeper and Biscayne Nature Center for a Beach Cleanup activity.

Innovating with purpose

In addition to incorporating sustainability into our operations, we are equally committed to helping our clients transform into smart, sustainable organizations. So, at Temenos, we innovate with purpose and our products have a positive environmental and social impact. In that way, we are contributing to the global effort to address social and environmental issues and achieve the UN SDGs, as well as helping our clients to do so.

At Temenos, through our cloud native and SaaS-ready solutions, we help our clients reduce their carbon footprint, improve their environmental performance and move towards a greener future. Cloud computing has enormous potential to transform the world of banking software—reducing costs, improving resource and energy efficiency and business agility, and contributing to a more sustainable world. Our clients who adopt the Temenos Banking Cloud will accrue the inherent business benefits of this technology, and will also play a crucial role in making IT more sustainable by significantly reducing energy consumption.

Our environmental targets at a glance

We are pleased to align our Temenos Environmental Responsibility agenda and targets with the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement, working towards our vision to reduce the destructive impacts of climate change on society and nature and prevent, halt and reverse the damage to our ecosystems: to reach net-zero global emissions by 2050 at the latest in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

  • 46.2% reduction of the emissions from our operations (scope 1-2 emissions) by 2030
  • 22.2% reduction of the emissions from delivering our services (scope 3 emissions) by 2030
  • 100% use renewable energy (RES) for our offices, owned and collocated Data Centers and Cloud by 2030.

Digital technology provides us with a unique opportunity for ecosystem restoration and a successful transition to net zero – one that is just, equitable, and protects people’s livelihoods and our nature. At Temenos, celebrating #WorldEnvironmentDay every day reflects our strong commitment to work towards our vision of an inclusive and sustainable world, while making banking better, together. 

To learn more on how Temenos incorporates sustainability into the company’s operations as well as product offering, click here to read our Sustainability progress within our 2020 Annual report

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Kalliopi Chioti
Kalliopi Chioti – Chief Environmental, Social and Governance Officer