
Redefining MVP

It’s all about where you start
[email protected] – Person

MVP at Temenos means Market Valued Product rather than Minimum Viable.

In application development, how you start is the strongest predictor of how you will end.

That’s why, at Temenos, we have redefined the term MVP or minimum viable product. We’ve done this not only to ensure better outcomes for our clients, but because we believe the motivation behind digital banking transformation is to create a better experience.

So, to be the bank or credit union of the future, it’s critical to start at or close to the digital experience that you envision—and that’s not a traditional MVP.

Take PSECU for example:

PSECU, Pennsylvania’s largest credit union, wanted to ensure they incorporated technologies to enhance usability and member experience, provide cutting-edge security, and deliver additional value to members. PSECU’s leadership team set out to achieve goals that positioned them for the future: bring new features and capabilities to market quicker, improve responsiveness to members’ wants and needs, and elevate the digital banking experience and push the limits of a digital-first, omnichannel experience.

Find out why PSECU chose to partner with Temenos to enhance their members’ digital experience »

MVP at Temenos (and we hope soon for the entire vendor landscape) means Market Valued Product rather than Minimum Viable. Simply put, there is nothing minimal about digital banking transformation or customer and member expectations, so don’t allow “minimum” into the value equation—it makes it too easy to stay at “good enough.”

At the end of the day, we, like you, are in the business of digitally delighting (not just satisfying) and this is why we have invested in the people, process and technology to provide a best-in-class, 125+ feature, out-of-the-box retail banking application in 20 weeks or less.

Don’t just take our word for it; this has been independently verified with Centric Digital.

The proof is also in the marketplace—in the app stores themselves—and it is shocking to see the side-by-side impact of Minimum Viable vs. Market Valued:

Six Identical Banking Applications from a Single Vendor:

Images originally found on

Screenshots from Temenos InfinityCustomer Apps:

Images originally found on

We invite you to join us in removing “minimum” from the app development vocabulary and partner to provide true market value for your customers, members, and the institution—the benefit of doing so couldn’t be clearer:

Market Value Outcomes (Please note: Kony DBX is now Temenos Infinity):

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[email protected] – Person