Matt Goble

Vice President – Product Compliance Manager.
Matt Goble - Senior Compliance Advisor

Matt Goble serves Temenos in Product Compliance as Vice President, Product Compliance Manager. He provides guidance during the software development process to ensure adherence to both federal and state banking laws and regulations. Matt brings extensive experience in his broad career as a compliance specialist in the banking industry, including his time serving Temenos as a former Senior Compliance Advisor, where he advised more than 700 financial institutions on federal regulatory compliance and provided on-site compliance training across the country, including numerous live webinars. Before joining Temenos, he began his career as the Compliance Officer at a prominent community bank in North Alabama. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Huntingdon College and a Masters of Business Administration from Troy University.

Latest articles from Matt Goble

Press Releases

P2P Payment Apps: Risk and Mitigation Strategies

Peer to Peer Apps or P2P Payment Apps allow your institution to stay competitive in the digital age of the banking industry. Vice President Product Compliance Manager Matt Goble shares risk mitigation strategies to implement as you reap the rewards of the digital banking industry.

Fair Lending Refresher

Fair Lending is a dangerous subject for Financial Institutions. Keeping staff trained and up to date on Fair Lending matters can mitigate risks of serious costly fair lending violations.

Back to the Basics – Escrow: Part 2

Matt Goble, Senior Compliance Advisor discusses the very specific rules that a lender must follow in establishing and servicing an escrow account. These rules, found in Regulation X (RESPA) (12 CFR Part 1024.17) , govern all aspects of an escrow account established for a covered loan.

Junk or Justified? A Focus on Fees

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently issued a series of press releases requesting feedback from the industry on the issue of "junk fees" consumers are charged by financial institutions.

P2P Payment Transfers: Regulation E Liability

As the capability to offer fast and convenient money transfers through online banking and 3rd party cash apps becomes a necessity to satisfy consumer behaviors, compliance challenges posed by digital banking are certainly here to stay. Join us as we discuss Regulation E liability considerations in connection with peer-to-peer payment transfer systems.

Defense, Defense, Defense!

“Defense! Defense! Defense!” With football season just weeks away, I can hear it now. A stadium filled with 100,000 die-hard fans cheering on their favorite football team in hopes of…

TRID 2.0: The Reboot

As I have discussed in previous articles, the October 1st mandatory compliance date for the 2017 TRID Rule is quickly approaching.

FCRA: What’s Permissible?

One of the several components of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is the requirement to establish a permissible purpose before pulling an individual's credit report.