
Temenos environmental responsibility

Temenos is celebrating Earth Day 2022 – Invest in our planet

Athina Chatzi – Global Sustainability & Environment Head

Earth Day 2022

‘’Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.’’ – Rumi

As we celebrate Earth Day, let’s remember that one of the central principles is that everyone can make a difference. Earth Day 2022 on April 22nd, is not just a celebration of 52 years of environmental awareness, but a turning point towards taking personal responsibility and acting now.

According to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we need “rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes in all parts of society” to keep global warming to 1.5°C until the end of the century, rather than the 2°C scenario, which is considered catastrophic.

People are the Key:

In Temenos, we believe that people are the key. We recognize that we cannot face this environmental crisis with the same consciousness that created it. On the contrary, we choose to challenge the way we perceive it and transform this crisis into opportunity; an opportunity for Temenos to step up and show leadership to our employees, our community, our suppliers, our clients and beyond the banking ecosystem.

Temenos is committed to engaging all stakeholders towards environmental awareness and action, via 4 strategic initiatives:

  1. Mission Earth Possible initiative: Collaboration and Employee Engagement
  2. Tree Planting initiative: Care for our Community
  3. Clean – Up initiative: Care for our Community
  4. Science Based Targets initiative: Commitment to our Clients and Suppliers

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Athina Chatzi – Global Sustainability & Environment Head