Andreas Andreades

Chief Executive Officer

Cypriot, born 1965

Andreas Andreades has been Chief Executive Officer since May 2023. After early careers with KPMG in London and Pepsico, Andreas Andreades joined Temenos in 1999, initially in the position of Chief Financial Officer, before assuming the responsibilities of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer in 2001 and then the Chief Executive Officer’s role from 2003 until 2011, when he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors. He was Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors (2012-2023) and acting CEO from January until May 2023. Since he joined Temenos, the Company has grown from less than 150 employees to over 6,700 and 3,000 clients generating approx. USD 1 billion in annual revenues and achieving a market capitalization of circa USD 7 billion (end 2023), establishing it as the global leader in banking software. Since 2003 the market capitalization of Temenos has grown by approximately 186 times or a compound average of 28% per annum.

Andreas holds a Master’s Engineering degree from the University of Cambridge and is a United Kingdom qualified chartered accountant.