To ensure future growth, Chile-based LarrainVial ought to simplify and update its legacy systems to remove barriers to innovation and increase responsiveness to fast-changing client requirements. To transform its core banking environment, the financial services provider deployed Temenos core banking, a centralized platform built on an advanced modern architecture. With the Temenos solution in place, LarrainVial can deliver a more engaging experience to 50,000 clients in Chile, as well as bring new products to market faster than ever and increasing overall operating efficiency.

With the replacement of our legacy technology and the implementation of the Core Banking platform, LarrainVial will be able to scale as we continue to grow and we will be able to quickly take innovative solutions and financial services products to market. With Temenos’ global expertise, we will be able to leverage technology that is continuously enhanced with the best practices and advancements from around the world, while providing an opimized experience to our clients with a multi-product, multi-currency real-time offering on a single platform.”

Juan Luis Correa, CEO at LarrainVial