Out-of-the-box cash reconciliation for Temenos customers

Controlling your cash is crucial. Regulators expect it, auditors need to prove it and operations depend on it. You need efficient, effective, controls which deliver painless, efficient cash/nostro/bank account reconciliation – with uncomplicated pre-configured integration to Transact (T24).

Intuitive and quick to implement, Gresham’s Control for cash removes the reliance on slow, expensive and ineffective legacy.

Reconcile quickly and simply to complete common reconciliation operations in seconds.



Operational savings:

reduce headcount requirements or redeploy resources by automating time consuming manual tasks.

Improved efficiency:

increased match rates reduce required interventions and simplify processes.

A fast, simple, efficient alternative

to fragile, complex and costly legacy solutions.

Immediate control

of your cash across all accounts and geographies.

The Control difference:

Onboard new controls, fast: guided workflows for onboarding new bank accounts and ledger equivalents, and the automatic application of default, industry tested match rules allow you to create new account reconciliations in minutes.

Empower business users – put the creation of new cash-matching rules into the hands of your reconciliation clerks, and business rules in the hand of your business users.

Empower business users: put the creation of new cash-matching rules into the hands of your reconciliation clerks, and business rules in the hand of your business users.

Reconcile quickly and simply: super-fast processing of the very largest datasets (50,000 per second) to complete common reconciliation operations in milliseconds.

Easy, effective visibility: cash reconciliation-specific screens, including proofing, match-building, incoming and outgoing correspondence that match your workflow – not work against it.

Data confidence: governance models to keep and demonstrate control to all necessary stakeholders.


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