ApTap is on a mission to save consumers billions on their bills and subscriptions. We help financial institutions to embed e-commerce journeys and empower users to cancel, switch, renegotiate, sign up, and more within their banking app.

People struggle to cancel, switch, sign up, renew, renegotiate, access rewards/ discounts/cash back, navigate support, and generally manage their money. Banks need to provide an experience focused on consumer wellbeing and merchants/suppliers need to drive engagement and retention. ApTap aligns banks and merchants around engagement, retention and revenue putting the consumer in control.


Money Management

ApTap’s platform let’s users see their entire financial world in one place. By connecting multiple bank accounts, via open banking, users can see all regular payments, bills and subscriptions. We neatly present these in standardised statement view and a handy calendar and combined income data to present budgeting features to help users be more money confident.

Embedded e-commerce journeys

ApTap has top merchant and suppliers onboard; we detect a user’s existing regular payments and suggest ways to help them save money. That could be to cancel, negotiate or switching to a new provider all within their trusting banking app. No redirects to third-party websites.

Data Insights

From transactions, categorization and high-level user information, ApTap is able to combine this with existing merchant and supplier data to build a complete user provide. This enables us to know when a user is in the market for a financial product or service and we can suggest ways to save money on their regular payments but also what do to with those savings.

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